All Kino songs were written by Viktor Tzoi. His lyrics are characterized by a poetic simplicity. The ideas of liberty were present but, on the whole, the band’s message to the public was not overly politically charged. Their songs focus on life, freedom, love, and daily life.
Information about the song and singer
Victor Tzoi (Виктор Цой) /1962 — 1990/ was a legendary singer, songwriter and the leader of the rock-band Kino ("Cinema"), one of the most famous Russian rock bands of the 1980s. Since rock music was considered “bourgeois” in the USSR, Kino, like many other rock bands, performed only in semi-underground clubs and at musicians’ apartments. In the summer of 1982, their first album 45 (named for its length in minutes) was recorded and slowly distributed through underground channels and gave a new fame to the band and its leader.
All Kino songs were written by Viktor Tzoi. His lyrics are characterized by a poetic simplicity. The ideas of liberty were present but, on the whole, the band’s message to the public was not overly politically charged. Their songs focus on life, freedom, love, and daily life.
The Original Song
У меня́ есть дом, то́лько нет ключе́й,
У меня́ есть со́лнце, но оно́ среди́ туч,
Есть голова́, то́лько нет плече́й,
Но я ви́жу, как ту́чи ре́жет со́лнечный луч.
У меня́ есть сло́во, но в нём нет букв,
У меня́ есть лес, но нет топоро́в,
У меня́ есть вре́мя, но нет сил жда́ть,
И есть ещё ночь, но в ней нет снов.
И есть ещё бе́лые, бе́лые дни,
Бе́лые го́ры и бе́лый лёд.
Но всё, что мне ну́жно -
Это не́сколько слов,
И ме́сто для ша́га вперёд.
У меня́ река́, то́лько нет моста́,
У меня́ есть мы́ши, но нет кота́,
У меня́ есть па́рус, но ве́тра нет,
И есть ещё кра́ски, но нет холста́.
У меня́ на ку́хне из кра́на вода́,
У меня́ есть ра́на, но нет бинта́,
У меня́ есть бра́тья, но нет родны́х
И есть рука́, и она пуста́.
И есть ещё бе́лые, бе́лые дни,
Бе́лые го́ры и бе́лый лёд.
Но всё, что мне ну́жно -
Это не́сколько слов,
И ме́сто для ша́га вперёд.
A Literal Translation
I have [= with me there is] a house, but no keys,
I have the sun, but it is among the clouds.
There’s a head, only no shoulders,
But I see how the sun ray is piercing the clouds.
I have a word, but in it there are no letters,
I have a forest, but no axes.
I have time, but no power to wait,
And also I have the night, but in it there are no dreams.
And there are also white white days,
White mountains and white ice,
But all I need
Is a few words
And a space for a step forward.
I have a river, but no bridge,
I have mice, but no cat.
I have a sail, but there’s no wind,
And also paints, but no canvas.
I have in the kitchen water from a tap,
I have a wound, but no bandage.
I have brothers, but no siblings,
And I have a hand, and it’s empty.
And there are also white white days,
White mountains and white ice,
But all I need
Is a few words
And a space for a step forward
A More "Poetic" Translation
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