Yuri Vizbor (Юрий Визбор) /1934 - 1984/ was a well-known Soviet singer-songwriter (‘bard’) as well as a theatre and film actor.
The topics of Vizbor's songs were related to various aspects of mundane life and suggested the author’s witty and at times ironical view on the life of his country during the period of Brezhnev stagnation. Many other songs are focusing on his love of nature and of travel, some are romantic ballads.
Vizbor recorded songs with a traditional Russian seven-string guitar, that was often slightly out of tune. While most Russian ‘bards’ relied on a rhythmic strumming pattern as the basis for their musical accompaniment, Vizbor was fond of a slow ‘plucking’ style. Vizbor is often compared to his contemporaries, Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava.
Vizbor recorded songs with a traditional Russian seven-string guitar, that was often slightly out of tune. While most Russian ‘bards’ relied on a rhythmic strumming pattern as the basis for their musical accompaniment, Vizbor was fond of a slow ‘plucking’ style. Vizbor is often compared to his contemporaries, Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava.
The Original Title
Ты у меня одна
The Literal Title
You Are For Me The Only One
A More "poetic" title
Information about the song and singer
Yuri Vizbor (Юрий Визбор) /1934 - 1984/ was a well-known Soviet singer-songwriter (‘bard’) as well as a theatre and film actor.
The topics of Vizbor's songs were related to various aspects of mundane life and suggested the author’s witty and at times ironical view on the life of his country during the period of Brezhnev stagnation. Many other songs are focusing on his love of nature and of travel, some are romantic ballads.
Vizbor recorded songs with a traditional Russian seven-string guitar, that was often slightly out of tune. While most Russian ‘bards’ relied on a rhythmic strumming pattern as the basis for their musical accompaniment, Vizbor was fond of a slow ‘plucking’ style. Vizbor is often compared to his contemporaries, Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava.
Vizbor recorded songs with a traditional Russian seven-string guitar, that was often slightly out of tune. While most Russian ‘bards’ relied on a rhythmic strumming pattern as the basis for their musical accompaniment, Vizbor was fond of a slow ‘plucking’ style. Vizbor is often compared to his contemporaries, Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava.
This page features Yuri Vizbor's song You Are My Only One with a parallel literal translation to English to help you understand the lyrics. Click the link below to watch a video clip and listen to the song.
The Original Song
Ты у меня́ одна́,
Сло́вно в ночи́ луна́,
Сло́вно в степи́ сосна́
Сло́вно в году́ весна́.
Не́ту друго́й тако́й
Ни закако́й реко́й,
Нет за тума́нами,
Да́льними стра́нами.
В и́нее провода́,
В су́мерках города́.
Вот и взошла́ звезда́,
Что́бы свети́ть всегда́.
Что́бы горе́ть в мете́ль,
Что́бы стели́ть посте́ль,
Что́бы кача́ть всю ночь
У колыбе́ли дочь.
Вот поворо́т како́й
Де́лается с реко́й
Мо́жешь отня́ть поко́й,
Мо́жешь махну́ть руко́й,
Мо́жешь отда́ть долги́,
Мо́жешь люби́ть други́х
Мо́жешь совсе́м уйти́,
То́лько свети́, свети́.
Сло́вно в ночи́ луна́,
Сло́вно в степи́ сосна́
Сло́вно в году́ весна́.
Не́ту друго́й тако́й
Ни закако́й реко́й,
Нет за тума́нами,
Да́льними стра́нами.
В и́нее провода́,
В су́мерках города́.
Вот и взошла́ звезда́,
Что́бы свети́ть всегда́.
Что́бы горе́ть в мете́ль,
Что́бы стели́ть посте́ль,
Что́бы кача́ть всю ночь
У колыбе́ли дочь.
Вот поворо́т како́й
Де́лается с реко́й
Мо́жешь отня́ть поко́й,
Мо́жешь махну́ть руко́й,
Мо́жешь отда́ть долги́,
Мо́жешь люби́ть други́х
Мо́жешь совсе́м уйти́,
То́лько свети́, свети́.
A Literal Translation
You’re for me the only one
Like the moon in the night
Like a pine in a field.
Like the spring of the year
There’s no other like you
Beyond any river
Beyond the mists
Or faraway lands.
The electric wires are covered with frost
The towns are in twilight
Now a star has risen
To shine forever
To burn in the blizzard
To make the bed
To rock all night
(Our)daughter in a cradle.
Here’s the kind of bend
Made to the river.
You can take away (my) serenity
You can throw up your hands
You can pay off your debts
You can love others
You can completely go away
Only shine, shine!
Like the moon in the night
Like a pine in a field.
Like the spring of the year
There’s no other like you
Beyond any river
Beyond the mists
Or faraway lands.
The electric wires are covered with frost
The towns are in twilight
Now a star has risen
To shine forever
To burn in the blizzard
To make the bed
To rock all night
(Our)daughter in a cradle.
Here’s the kind of bend
Made to the river.
You can take away (my) serenity
You can throw up your hands
You can pay off your debts
You can love others
You can completely go away
Only shine, shine!
A More "Poetic" Translation
** Another Reference
An Audio Link
A Video Link
Video for this poem here.
A Picture to Display

A Link to Associated Kindle Book with Text
This and more available on a kindle book.
Game Script